Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I was looking through my images so far and was thinking the same thing that many of you are probably thinking: If sqrt($x*$y) looks so cool, and atan($x/$y) looks so cool, then why not put the two together with some PI, sin(), and $i and see what happens?

So I came up with this: $eq=round(atan($x/$y)*cos($y*i)*sin($x*$i)*sqrt($x*$y)/M_PI);

And this was the result:

You can see the now familiar patterns from The Squares already but with some interesting curvature:

Oh yeah, warped squares for sure!

Here is the beginning of a particular series where $i=0.02500.
I got around to adding some more configuration to my algorithm last night. The default settings start x,y at (0,0). Now we can put whatever offset we want. So if we want to see what setting $i=0.025 starting at $x starts at 700 we now can do just that. Here is the result:
And again where $x starts at 7000.

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