Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Algorithmic Imagery Secrets Revealed!!!

In my studies I have discovered a few interesting functions and their related image counterparts. $i is the multiplier and I used 0.0285 and 2.8500 as examples. The multiplier is a control point that can push the image from a crystalline beauty to chaotic static. I always experiment with a sequence from 0.0025 to 2500 incrementing by 10X each step to see what the range of numbers has to offer. Then I dive in to the detailed sequences.

I digress. Here are some of the building blocks I have found:

$i>1.00 or you get all points plotted

Again, $i>1.00

And again, $i>1.00

The Squares engine

Now the rest of these build off from the squares formula to get some very interesting image effects:





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